Go From Feeling Completely Alone To Being Supported, Encouraged and Embraced as You Navigate Your Existential Crisis

Our existential crisis peer support provides you with an understanding and positive arena to speak freely about the emotions and thoughts that you are experiencing during your existential crisis. By providing you with the option of 1:1 or group peer support we can connect you with an open ears and hearts who want to see you thrive, not just survive through your period of existential questioning. The approach we take is to create an intentional space to speak about what you are going through and connect you with relevant resources. The outcome of this existential peer support offering is to give you a comforting outlet that will allow you to articulate, discuss, and be provided with compassion so that you can experience some relief and release.

>> Are you a person with ambitions and goals that you are being distracted from due to your current existential questioning?

Existential crisis is a fairly common roadblock for many intellectual and aspirational people. You may feel as if you have passions, and a vision for your future but are struggling to realize it due to lack of support, self-doubt and inability to focus. If you feel as if your own existential anxieties and concerns are preventing you from living your life to the full extent that you wish you could then our existential peer support program might be the solution for you!

>> How It Works

STEP 1 Complimentary Onboarding Session:

Enjoy a complimentary onboarding session with Brandie. During this session she will provide you with an open ear and heart, while you share some of the current obstacles you are experiences. You will be walked through a simple strategic process to identify your vision and what goals you would like to be working towards if you sign up for ongoing encouragement.



After your first complimentary session you will be able to book a future 1:1 session or move into the peer program. Based on what you shared in your first meeting, Brandie will provide you with a strategic action plan to help you move from where you currently are to where you want to be, breaking it down into micro steps and actions to help you begin the process of moving forward. With the context you provided in the first session Brandie will ask you some questions and check in with you so you can share where you are at with your existential challenges.



Once you have gone through your strategic plan for achieving your goals ( first session deliverable ) you will be expected to begin to take the actions laid out in the plan and achieve at least 1 forward action before booking your next session. Brandie will be available to you via text leading up to future sessions providing you with encouragement and accountability. If any existential crisis related concerns come up or you begin to feel stuck again, Brandie will help you work through your concerns and move forward.

Future sessions can be booked as frequently as required , with the objective being to help you get unstuck and achieving the goals laid out in your onboarding. If you decide that you would like to pivot or alter your goals at any time then as session can booked to discuss these changes.


If you are working with Brandie on your goals and would like an additional outlet as well as more peer connections to share your thoughts with you can also opt-in to the group peer support program. This is a virtual bi-monthly group gathering where everyone is at various stages of existential crisis and are working towards their own goals. The purpose of group sessions are to provide an open sharing space where everyone is on the same page and important existential topics can be discussed openly. Advice , encouragement and resources may be shared by other members. Members of the group peer support program are encouraged to touch base with one another and give each other time, energy and space so that they do not feel isolated or alone during their processing. Occasionally specific reading materials, viewing materials or other resources may be required for discussion.

See Existential Crisis Peer Support Meeting Schedule *coming soon*

>> What Is Included

The first session is complimentary and then a session investment of $99 is required to book.

+ 1 Hour Session With Brandie In Person Or Via Zoom

+ 1 Time ( first session ) Strategy Breakdown based on your goals. An objective step-by-step to help you go from where you are at , to where you wish to go.

+ Between Session texting support and S.O.S phone call support. As long as you are working towards your goal ( turtle or lion pace ) Brandie will make herself available to support you.

+ Optional Extra: Keith’s Ceremonial Cacao $60 USD for a 16oz Brick , Ceremonial Cacao can be an excellent tool for healing, processing, focusing and moving forward during an existential crisis. Brandie provides Keith’s Ceremonial Cacao as an option for all Peer Support Clients who wish to drink it with her on call and integrate it into their strategic plan so that they can conquer their goals.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Paid sessions start at $99 and payment is due on booking. If this is your first booking and you’d like to try it out please use the second link below to access calendar for complimentary sessions.

Existential Crisis SuppoRT
Your First Session

Is Free

To assure that we’re a good fit your first session is 100% free. To book this first complimentary intro session with Brandie


How Is The Existential Peer Support Different Than Counseling or Therapy?

Glad you asked. The existential peer support with Brandie Michelle peters is meant to serve as an outlet specifically to help you deal with the dilemna of feeling as if your existential crisis is holding you back from achieving a specific life goal. For example, if you run a business but are not able to work or commit yourself to your business right now because your existential crisis has led to you to feel apathetic or unable to focus. Another example might be that you have a vision for how you would like to be living your life, but you are unable to live that life vision due to feeling stuck in place because your existential thoughts have taken away your momentum or enthusiasum. It is important to note that this support is peer support, and you will be referred to see a medical professional, therapist when neccesary. You can work through the strategic plan provided by Brandie and also be in other coaching, therapy, or group programs.

Will I Be Encouraged To Quit My Meds or Stop Seeing My Therapist

No. Brandie will never tell you to stop taking your medications or seeing your therapist ( or utilizing support tools ). The nature of peer support is that Brandie acts as a sounding board and outlet for you to share what you are struggling with and she will ask you critical questions to make your own decisions. If you feel that you are not getting the right type of support or outcomes from your therapist or your medication Brandie can help you identify the best way to advocate for yourself so that you can hopefully find alternative options.

What Are Brandie’s Qualifications to Provide Peer Support

This is peer support because Brandie is identifying as your peer. This means that she will be pulling from her own experiences and what has worked for her to overcome existential questioning and achieve her personal and professional goals despite being in a state of suffering from “the big sad”, having clinical burnout, and constantly being in a state of existential crisis. Brandie has over a decade of experience embodying and providing life design and strategic support. Her specific area of success is in entrepreneur development, business strategy and marketing. If you have aspirations of being  self employed , living life on your own terms outside of the conventional 9-5 Brandie can help. She is excellent at breaking things down into step objective step by step actions, so that you can move forward even when you feel bogged down by the weight of existential realizations and uncertainties. 

Am I Required to Believe in “Woo Shit” Like Tarot Cards

If you choose the existential crisis peer support that Brandie offers, and not the spiritual awakening peer support then no, there will be no Tarot Cards or dicussion of the metaphysical unless you want there to be. The only thing you will be expected to do is share your own thoughts and feelings about the metaphysical and be respectful when Brandie share with you some theories or ideas on occasion when it will be beneficial to you. Although, Brandie is definatley into the woo loves to use her Tarot Cards to break the ice and drive discussions, there is absolutley no required adoption of her beliefs or practices by you.


Discover insights, reflections, and relatable narratives to navigate life’s profound questions. Let our brief yet impactful articles be your companion on the journey of self-discovery


Navigate your existential crisis with confidence with these curated resources. Discover expert articles, recommended readings, and practical tools to support your journey toward understanding and personal growth. Access a curated collection of resources designed to empower you during moments of existential questioning

Existential Peer Support

Connect with like-minded individuals on a similar path, offering and receiving empathetic support during these transformative moments. Join our supportive network, fostering connections that inspire resilience and mutual understanding on the journey through existential questioning.

Who Put This Existential Resource Page Together?





About Me:
My name is Brandie Michelle Peters I am a creator, strategist and metaphysical enthusiast who also reads tarot. This is my personal website, where I write, share resources, and sell a few things. For years i ran my own successful online marketing agency. I am currently employed as the marketing director of Keith’s Cacao.